Committed to care through prayer, visitation, cards and encouragement.

because of COVID-19, all events and groups are not meeting in person until further notice. Our care team is still here for you and your family. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any prayer or other needs. Argyle UMC is still hosting special services, such as weddings and funerals.


Click a team to learn more:

+ Prayer Team

As covenant members at Argyle UMC, we have all made the vow to “uphold the ministries of this church with our prayers;” and not just our personal prayers and practice, but the discipline of intercessory prayer and the ways we surround our community with compassion and faith through prayer. Prayer is a powerful way to be in ministry together. We are invited to be part of each other’s most vulnerable moments and be authentic in our joy, sorrows, pain, fear and doubts.

Our Prayer Chain Ministry at Argyle UMC receives prayer concerns and celebrations of our community and congregation weekly and as needed. Though this intentional prayer and practice, the Prayer Team members enter into the life and faith of those we know and even those whom we don’t know.

Be part of the Prayer Chain Ministry through a covenant of confidentiality and support. To officially join the Prayer Team, complete the covenant and agree to these terms:

  • Commit to pray for these each week and as they come.
  • Commit to confidentially share in the concerns and celebrations of others.
  • Complete the confidentiality agreement below
  • Contact the Care Team if you would like a hard copy.

Join the Prayer Team

Online Prayer Request : Are you in need of prayer? Fill out our online prayer form so that our prayer team can pray for you.

+ Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl team makes shawls that are prayed over and given to those who need the comfort and love of Christ amidst troubling health concerns. Yarn is supplied and anyone who knits and/or crochets (or wants to learn) is welcome and encouraged to join this rewarding ministry.

+ Baptism Quilters

Each baby that is baptized in our church recieves a precious quilt that a group of our members make.

+ Bereavement Ministry

As a part of Congregational Care, the Bereavement Ministry’s desire is to provide assistance, whether you are facing the death of a loved one or death comes unexpectedly. It is with this goal in mind that we have provided this information to ease the stress of a most stressful time. The information at the link below will provide guidelines as you plan to honor and celebrate the life of that special person.

Bereavement Ministry

+ Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges. The role of a Stephen Minister is to listen and care, not to advise or give counsel, and to recognize when a person’s needs exceed what they can provide. Stephen Ministers maintain only one caring relationship at any given time and usually meet with their care receivers on a weekly basis. Confidentiality is preserved at all times by not discussing care receivers by name or by implication.

MISSION: Seeking and caring for the spiritually hurting.

VISION: To Seek the hurting, to Grow servants and Serve with the compassion of Christ.

VALUES: Glorify and Honor God– We are committed to making sure that God is the One who is praised for the work we are doing.

  1. Refuge for the Hurting:Through AUMC’s Stephen Ministry we want to provide hurting people compassion, care and Christ’s healing love by serving them through Stephen Ministers.

  2. Bare One Another’s Burdens:God wants us to love, encourage and care for one another and not allow anyone to suffer alone. Through Stephen Ministry we provide one-to-one care and encouragement.

  3. Lay Ministry: We value high-quality, distinctively Christian lay ministry and incorporate this at AUMC by equipping people through Stephen Ministry.

For more information, click the click the link below or contact the Care Team, or Stephen Leader, Brenda Nunneley.

In Need of Prayer or Care?

Prayer is the language of our hearts when our words fail to form. At Argyle UMC, we believe in the power of prayer and have a Prayer Team that prays over each request. Whether it is a joy or sadness, we want to pray for you. Please share your prayer requests by filling out a Prayer Request Card on Sunday morning (via our online connection card) or submitting it using the button below. All requests are held in strict confidence.

Do you have an urgent need that requires the attention of a Pastor or Caregiver? Pastors and trained Caregivers are available to offer spiritual support during an emergency or in crisis. If you have a pastoral emergency, call the Pastoral Emergency Line and leave a detailed voice message, or send a text message to our Pastoral Care Line at (940) 294-6334. Once a message is left, a pastor or caregiver will be notified immediately and return your call or text.

Family Care Givers : This is a great resource for people who are in need of information regarding caregiving.


Interested in Volunteering for a Care Team? Fill out our volunteer sign up form:

Care & Mission Calendar